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Dorottya Kiss

SNR/ARNI trainer, Physiotherapist

Dorottya Kiss – Physiotherapist

2009 I graduated from the University of Pécs, Faculty of Medicine. After graduating from college, I started working as a physiotherapist in Italy and then in France. I’m currently working at the Barcsi thermal bath and spa.
I started working with a STROKE survivor in 2017 and I wanted to offer the best possible assistance, therefore, I began searching for developments in stroke rehabilitation. I got in touch with Gabriella Pasztor and ARNI. I believe it is important to provide professional training so that patients get the most effective therapy possible. Based on my 10 years of professional experience, I find that ARNI is a tool for successful rehabilitation of STROKE, and is an intensive practical therapy. I have just started working with ARNI a few months ago, and I can already see the difference between traditional therapy and the ARNI method’s results. Success is important not only for survivors, but for therapists as well, as success drives us forward and to advance in our field. Freedom of movement is a treasure; therefore, my goal is to help stroke survivors reach this freedom.

Work experience:
2009-2012 Faggio Soc. Coop., Savona, Italy
2013-2014 Clinique du Château de Goussonville, France
2015-2017 Full-Time Mommy
2017 Hontan Bt. Barcs, Hungary Part-Time

Further training:
2005–2009 University of Pécs, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Physiotherapist degree
2010 Terrier joint and soft tissue mobilization course, Specialized Postgraduate Diploma
2010 Cura ed ospitalitá dei Break Down Evolutivi: II problema della comunitá terapeutica oggi. Savona, Italy.
2011 Normativa in materia di strutture di riabilitazione per portatori di handicap’, postgraduate certificatre. Savona, Italy.
2011 La protesi dell’anca: Lo stato dell’arte oggi e nouve prospettive chirurgiche e riabilitative, Savona, Italy.
2011 International Modern Scoliosis Therapy According to Katharina Schroth, Budapest Specialized Postgraduate Diploma
2012 Paralisi ostetrica: Life and Medical Experience, Savona Italy
2014-2015 Mckenzie “A”, “B” course, Budapest, Specialization Postgraduate Diploma
2018 Manual Trigger Point IMTT Therapy Module 1, Budapest Specialized Postgraduate Diploma

2018 Functional Elastic Taping Introduction Basic Course, Budapest Specialized Postgraduate Diploma
2018 Cervical spine examination and treatment with special regard to segmental instability, Budapest Specialized Postgraduate Diploma
2017–2018 Maitland Concept – Orthopedic Manu-therapy, Budapest Specialized Postgraduate Diploma
2018 The ARNI institute, Budapest


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