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Winkler Györgyi

SNR/ARNI tréner, Gyógytestnevelő

Györgyi Winkler, Physiotherapist, ARNI Trainer

Since I was a young child, the sport has been instrumental in my life, so it is essential that my interest, self-improvement, and training have always been directed towards it, I have been holding prevention and correction gymnastics as a physiotherapist for 16 years.

I first heard about the ARNI method in 2019, when one of my family members became involved in a stroke.


“There’s something good about everything bad,” the proverb says. Since I have a positive mindset, I will always find a way out!


I was intrigued by this functional rehabilitation training, which is a consciously structured, individualized, regular, hard workout for survivors, but improvement can be achieved in a relatively short time in terms of their recovery, as the effectiveness of the method is confirmed by research and developments of patients involved.


Coping strategies, which are practice-oriented, help them to return to everyday life autonomously, and last but not least, strengthen their self-esteem for stroke survivors.

I feel committed to using the ARNI method, to humbly improve my knowledge continually thus helping STROKE survivors regain their independence to be happy and indispensable in life because they are the real HEROES!

„For man, man is the most elusive wonder of nature”


My Studies:

2020. ARNI Functional Rehabilitation and Practical Training after Stroke course (Budapest)

2015. University of West Hungary Dutch-Hungarian manager of institution training (Győr)

2005. Tessedik Sámuel College Physiotherapist, pedagogue exam (Szarvas)

2003. ’Move and Improve Your Skills’- Prevention in physical education for preschool and elementary school students practice-oriented, accredited course (Budapest)


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